
Creative Writing Minor

Creative writers build whole worlds out of words. McKendree’s classes in writing poetry and fiction help you build that imaginative superpower.

As a Creative Writing minor, you'll grow more confident and expand your ideas about writing. Fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction classes help you sharpen your technique and find audiences creativity. Creative Writing minors also learn professional skills through classes in editing McKendree's student arts magazine, Catalyst, on the web and in print. Expect discovery, surprise, and new skills to blossom as you develop your literary voice and imagination.


Quick facts at a glance:


      • Students can pursue beginning and advanced poetry writing, fiction writing, and creative nonfiction.

      • Students pursue advanced work in one creative writing genre through a senior thesis.

      • Students learn professional skills in editing, publishing, and digital content management through collaborative work producing Catalyst.

      • Students learn how to present their work at high standards for audiences, publishers, and graduate school applications.

      • Learn in smaller classes with supportive workshop formats.


2023-24 Program Catalog

Program Highlights


Involvement in producing the Catalyst student literary and arts magazine

Participation in campus readings and literary events

Opportunities to publish your creative writing in Catalyst

Directed studies and consultation on publishing standards


Creative writing stresses skills in language, communication, and invention. Employers look for these abilities in a wide range of jobs requiring strong writing skills, and creativity is a strong way to stand out in any workforce. Many creative writers find work in publishing, media, or education. Creative writing students with majors in technical and communications fields develop unique abilities to help develop satisfying careers. There’s always the chance that you’ll hit it big writing a top-selling novel, of course, but in the meantime, the minor demonstrates your special gift for capturing and holding attention with words. Employers value this skill in many fields.


Key Faculty

Photo of Jenny MuellerJenny Mueller, Ph.D.

Carnegie Hall 215
(618) 537-6459