Safety and Emergency FAQs

What should I do if my student is sick at night?

Your student should contact Public Safety (commuters) or the Residence Life Staff member on duty if they live in the residence halls. The duty phone numbers for each hall are posted in each building.

What should I do if my student is sick during the day?

The student health center is open from 8-5pm and is located at 513 Stanton St. Your student should contact them and arrange for a visit. Students who live on campus should let their Resident Advisor know when they are ill and notify their faculty if their illness results in missed classes. There are also a number of local clinics and hospitals in the area if your student would prefer to be seen off campus.

Where can my student go if they need an escort from class?

Public Safety can provide students with an escort from their class to their residence hall or vehicle. Students should call 537-6911, or from a campus phone, 6911 for assistance.

What should my student do if they notice suspicious behavior on or around campus?

Depending on the nature of the behavior, students should notify Public Safety 537-6911, from a campus phone, 6911. If the situation is an emergent one, they should consider notifying 911 emergency response services.

What is the emergency texting system and how do I get signed up?

In an ongoing effort to better disseminate campus alerts, McKendree University has implemented an emergency alert system. The alert system will send information regarding emergency conditions, including weather cancellations and delays. To receive these emergency messages, you must be registered. This service is currently available for Lebanon, IL campus students only.

The alerts are delivered via Mobile Phone (as text messages)*

*Your service provider may charge standard text messaging fees. Sign up

How would I know if there was an emergency situation with my student?

If your student lives residentially, their resident director or other similar staff member would contact whomever is listed as their emergency contact to notify them in the event of an emergency. Campus public safety also has access to the emergency contact list your student provided and they may also notify you in the event of a situation that was emergent and involved your student. Contacting parents does depend on the type of emergency encountered.