Professional Development

Photo of Teaching for Excellence GroupsPhoto of Teaching for Excellence WorkshopPhoto of Teaching for Excellence Workshop


McKendree University offers a variety of professional development opportunities for faculty and staff to help them "Make their Mark" in the classroom.

•   Teaching for Excellence (T4E) Workshops focused on teaching and best practices in August, January, and May

•   Teaching for Distance (T4D) Workshops focused on e-learning and best practices in distance education December and May

•   Brown Bag lunches about topics of general academic interest each Wednesday at noon

•   Fall Teaching for Excellence Teaching Circles where faculty join a small group of faculty to visit classes and discuss

•   Spring Teaching for Excellence Teaching book study where small groups of faculty read and discuss a teaching book

•   Technology workshops hosted by information technology and educational technology

•   Service Learning Workshops hosted by the Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service

•   McKendree Values Part-time faculty (MVP) orientation program for new part-time faculty

•   New full-time faculty orientation

•   Advisor Training (twice per year for faculty and staff advisors)

•   School and Division faculty development opportunities

•   Webinars

•   Lifelong Learning Faculty Conference Travel grants for full-time faculty (application process)

•   Research sabbaticals for full-time faculty (application process)

•   Division chair workshops for current or new division chairs

•   Engagement Research Grants for full-time faculty (depending on funding)

•   Academic Planning Retreat for full-time faculty and select staff each May hosted by the Provost