Are You Ready to Study Online?



Mark the center column on the left or right indicating which statement more closely matches your belief.





I would allocate as much time in my schedule for an online course as I would for a more traditional face-to-face course.

I would allocate less time and effort for an online course because online courses are easier.


I would classify myself as someone who completes tasks in a timely manner.

I would classify myself as someone who needs to be reminded of tasks and often put things off to the last minute.


My schedule allows for me to dedicate 10 hours, spread over the course of a week, per 3 credit-hour class.

My time for online learning is limited and will revolve around my other activities.



Learning Style

I am comfortable asking an instructor for clarification.

I never let instructors know that I don’t understand something.


Regarding due dates for assignments, I understand that deadlines must be met and can budget my time accordingly to meet them.

Regarding due dates for assignments, I understand that deadlines must be met, but feel that exceptions should be made if I get behind on my work.


I enjoy working independently and seldom need reassurance that I am doing things correctly.

I require frequent encouragement and reminders from my instructors.


I expect faculty response to grading within a week of submission.

I expect faculty to grade my assignments within an hour of submission.


I enjoy reading and can easily follow written instructions.

I struggle with reading and need to be given instructions verbally.



Technology Skills

I enjoy learning new computer or technology skills.

The thought of having to learn new PC technology skills causes me anxiety.


I have easy access to the Internet and email.

It is difficult for me to access the Internet and email.


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­I send emails with attachments on a regular basis.

I don’t know how to attach documents to an email.


When asked to copy and paste text from one document to another, I would have no difficulties.

I am unfamiliar with the copy and paste process.


I am comfortable using multiple applications and/or Internet browser tabs simultaneously.

I am not comfortable using multiple applications and/or Internet browser tabs simultaneously.


Should an issue occur with my technology at home, I can resolve the issue myself or know where to find assistance to minimize disruptions to taking my online course.

I have no idea where to seek help should a technology issue arise, nor would I seek help.




A greater number of check marks in the left column indicate student readiness for online courses. A greater number of check marks in the right column indicate the student may need to reevaluate if online learning will be an appropriate option.

Please discuss your results with your admission counselor and/or academic advisor.



Student Support


Play the Melissa Meeker, Ed.D. VideoMelissa Meeker, Ed.D.

Dean of Worldwide Programs
Wildy Hall, 3rd Floor, Lebanon, Illinois
(618) 537-6834




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