Online Sociology Criminal Justice Degree

McKendree University offers an online sociology major with a criminal justice emphasis degree. The online sociology criminal justice degree is tailored for busy adults eager to advance in the criminal justice profession. The online format allows convenience for completing courses regardless of the shift the student works.



Why an Online Sociology Criminal Justice Degree?

The Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Criminal Justice degree is an eye-opening program that will change how you view the world and societies around you. The online Criminal Justice track is designed for students who wish to pursue careers that use skills to think critically about the many social issues confronting us in today's society.



Student Using Home Laptop
Flexible Online Course Format

Courses are delivered entirely online using the course management system Brightspace. All classes for the online BA are offered over an eight week period. Many students choose to take two courses during each eight week session



Career Opportunities

An online degree in Sociology Criminal Justice will prepare your for a career in:

  •  Law Enforcement

  •  Corrections

  •  Court Services



Interesting Online Classes
McKendree University Entryway Monument

  •  Juvenile Delinquency

  •  Police and Urban Society

  •  Correctional Institutions

  •  Race and Ethnic Relations



Next Step

Contact your student services specialists and get details on the admission process, unofficial transcript evaluation, and our next start date.

 Best Online CollegesETCNC-SARA

 *McKendree University has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA).