Michael Downton, Ph.D.

Photo of Michael Downton

Assistant Professor of Education

Chair, School of Education


Ph.D., learning and developmental sciences, Indiana University

B.A., psychology, Purdue University



Outstanding Administrator Award, 2021

"Excellence in Teaching," The National Society of Leadership and Success - St. John's University Chapter, 2017

Kappa Delta Pi "Professor of the Year" - St. John's Chapter, 2016

John W. Dobbins "Professor of the Year" - St. John's University, 2015

"Excellence in Teaching" - The National Society of Leadership and Success - St. John's University Chapter, 2014




"Why ask why? Questions to elicit reasoned intuitive responses in an elementary music program"
Contribution to Music Education, Volume 43, 2018

Co-authored "Managing educational technology: school partnerships and technology integration"
New York, N.Y., Routledge, 2018

"Preparation for future teaching: The design of authentic activities in a teacher education classroom"
Handbook of Research on Innovative Practices in Teacher Preparation and Graduate-Level Teacher Education Programs, New York: IGI Global


Teaching Interests

Foundations of Education, Learning and Development, Techology for Teaching and Learning, the Arts and Music in Education.


Teaching Philosophy

It is important for me to create a community of pre-service teachers that understand the impact they will make on their future students, their community, and themselves. I instill in my students from the beginning that they are more than just teachers; they are designers of learning and in order to be effective designers, they need to understand that every decision they make in their teaching should reflect what they know about learning and development.