Mostafa Mostafa, Ph.D.

Photo of Mostafa Mostafa, Ph.D.Associate Professor
Chair of the Division of Computing

Office: Clark Hall 300

Phone: (618) 537-6875




Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering, University of Louisville, December 2003

M.S., Computer Science, University of Louisville, May 1999

Advanced Professional Certificate in Computer Systems and App. (2 Years), May 1992

                 American University in Cairo – AUC (Cairo, Egypt)

Bachelor of Accounting (May 1989)

                Business School, Cairo University (Cairo, Egypt)


Teaching Interests

Computer Networks

Database Managment Systems

Programming Language




Refereed Journal Articles

- Adel S. Elmaghraby, Anup Kumar, Kantardzic M., Mostafa M. G., “A Scalable Pricing Model for Bandwidth Allocation”, Electronic Commerce Research Journal, April 2005, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 203-228.


Refereed Conference Proceedings

- Emam, Ahmed; Mostafa, Mostafa G., “Using game level design as an applied method for Software Engineering education”, Computer Games (CGAMES), 2012 17th International Conference on Computer Games, 2012,Page(s): 248 – 252

- James H. Graham , Mostafa Mostafa, Benjamin Arazi, Ashraf Tantawy, Jeffrey L. Hieb, Patricia A. S. Ralston and Sandip C. Patel, ”Improvements in SCADA and DCS Systems Security”. In Proceeding of  22nd International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, CATA 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 28-30, ISCA 2007 ISBN 978-1-880843-62-8 (pp194-200) 

- Ashraf Tantawy, Mostafa G. Mostafa, James H. Graham, “Protecting SCADA Networks from Cyber Attacks Using Protocol-based Anomaly Detection And Distributed Correlation Filtering Model”, In proceeding of The International Telecommunications Education & Research Association (ITERA) 2007, Telecom—Securing the Future, The Fifth Annual Conference On Telecommunications & Information Technology, March 23-24, 2007, The Galt House, Louisville, Kentucky.

- Aditya Tadakaluru, Mostafa Mostafa, Karla Andrew, Andrew Ernest, "GeoExpert, A Framework for Data Quality in Spatial Databases". CIMCA 2006. International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modeling, Control and Automation and International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce. Vol-2 (CIMCA-IAWTIC'06), pp. 557-561.

- Mostafa G. Mostafa, Adel S. Elmaghraby, Anup Kumar, Mehmed M. Kantardzic, “Broadband Pricing Models: A User Perspective”. 2003, The International Engineering Consortium (IEC) - Broadband Applications and Services Special Report, ISBN: 1-931695-15-6. pp 265-278.

- Elmaghraby A. S., Kumar A., Kantardzic M, Mostafa G. M., “Bandwidth Allocation in a Dynamic Environment Using a Variable Pricing Policy, Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications ISCC’02, July 2002, Taormina, Italy, pp. 589-594. 



- Aditya Tadakaluru, Karla Andrew, Mostafa Mostafa, “Tool for Mining Spatially Referenced Water Quality Data”. 2005 Kentucky GIS Conference, “A Spatial Commonwealth” August 22nd-25th, Bowling Green, Kentucky.  


Poster paper

- M.G. Mostafa, A. Kumar, A.S. Elmaghraby, M.M. Kantardzic, "A Comparative study of Bandwidth Pricing Models for Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation". 6th International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia Pacific Region, 2002, Bangalore, India



- Semiannual review presentation at Washington DC for the Department of Home Town security, April, 2007. I attended two conferences hosted by the Department of Home Town Security, at Washington DC to present two progress reports and presentation of our grant status with University of Louisville. 

- Paper presentation at The International Telecommunications Education & Research Association (ITERA), Louisville, March 23-27, the conference mentioned in the publication section.


Master Thesis

- Aditya Kumar, “GeoExpert – A Framework for Data Quality in Spatial Databases”, a Master degree thesis. Summer 2006.

- Amr Yassien, “A DNP3 Protocol-based Anomaly Intrusion Detection Model to Enhance the Security of the SCADA Network Infrastructure”, a Master degree thesis .Spring 2008. 


Funded Grants

- PI of a funded grant (100 K- 2years) in conjunction with University of Louisville (Dr. James Graham, Dr. Ben Arazi, and Dr. Patricia Ralston), "Enhancement Mitigation of Intrusion Threats in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems in Chemical Plants and Other Critical Infrastructure ", funded by the Department for Homeland Security, Jan. 2006- Dec. 2007.

- PI of a funded grant (17K-1year) , "KREC Website Transition and maintenance”, funded by the Kentucky Real Estate commission, July 2008- June 2009.



- Recipient of Dean Citation, 2003, University of Louisville.

- Recipient of “Who is Who” among American Ph.D. Students,2003