Old Main Legacy Society

The Old Main Legacy Society recognizes individuals who choose to support McKendree University through a planned gift. Members recognize the importance of supporting today’s University, and ensuring its mission is carried well into the future.

How to Become a Member

Membership is offered to all individuals and couples who let us know they have included McKendree University in their estate plans or as a beneficiary of another type of planned gift, regardless of the amount.

Gift planning offers you the chance to give to McKendree University now or after your lifetime, helping you align your charitable giving with your overall financial and estate plans. Many giving options even offer you financial benefits, allowing you to make the greatest impact on our students while maintaining future security for you and your loved ones.

Planned Gifts Include:


Life-Income Gifts

Retirement Assets

Charitable Lead Trusts

Life Insurance

If you have included McKendree University in your estate plans and would like to be recognized as a member of the Old Main Legacy Society, please contact Scott Billhartz, Senior Director of Advancement Services & Stewardship.