A Lincoln Laureate

Photo of Anthony RhoadsAcademic excellence, service and leadership define Anthony Rhoads’ McKendree University career. Unafraid of a challenge, he has taken numerous advanced courses and aced them all, and participated in two summer research programs to bolster his studies. In 2012, he was selected for a highly competitive National Science Foundation initiative, where he worked on a project modeling the early evolution of HIV. During a 2013 internship, he studied biostatistics, which applies statistical analysis to various topics in biology.

He plans to focus on biostatistics in graduate school and eventually in his career. “I am interested in many branches of the field, including research in public health, the design and analysis of clinical trials in medicine, and statistical genetics, which can be used to identify genes that can cause predispositions to certain diseases,” he says.

McKendree faculty members have high expectations for Anthony. “He is serious, focused, diligent and clearly dedicated to his education,” says Dr. Alan Alewine, professor of mathematics. “We envision his contributions to the mathematical and biological sciences to be significant.”

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“My McKendree experience has been about finding my academic interests, having a blast in Dr. Alewine’s mathematics classes, finding acceptance, friendship, and support in Alpha Phi Omega, and getting to do a lot of community service.


Over 250 volunteer hours since 2010, to be more precise. Anthony has tutored children in math and science, visited nursing home residents, and participated in many service events as part of the Alpha Phi Omega (APO) service fraternity. “APO has been my favorite part of McKendree,” says the chapter president, “because of the leadership development and personal growth I can see in every student who spends time in our organization.

“McKendree is excellent at getting students excited about being involved on campus. My New Student Orientation leader was very passionate about community service, and it was very inspiring to see that there could be so much more to college than just classes and studying. I knew that I wanted to have that same kind of experience, and student organizations provide a great opportunity for that fulfillment.”

About Anthony

2013 Lincoln Laureate, chosen by the Lincoln Academy of Illinois for excellence in curricular and extracurricular activities

Senior from Litchfield, Illinois

Mathematics and computational science major, biology minor

4.0 GPA

Lab assistant

President, Chi Omega chapter, Alpha Phi Omega national service fraternity

McKendree Community Action Team

Learn more about McKendree University, the Mathematics program, or the Computational Science program.