McKendree Individual Events Speakers Reach Finals

Lebanon, Ill. — The McKendree University individual events team had two members reach the finals at Illinois State University’s 74 Swing – considered one of the most difficult individual events tournaments in the country. Students from 20 colleges and universities competed, including the University of Illinois, Northwestern and Rice. Representing McKendree were seniors Lance Allen and Darren Meeker; juniors Josh Fleming and Caitlyn Westfall; and sophomores Rebecca Blake and Spencer Marcum.

In duo interpretation, Blake and Meeker took a first place and a third place, ranking in preliminary rounds. They were sixth in finals and were also recognized as the top novice team. Blake also advanced to finals in the novice division of prose, taking sixth place.

McKendree will next compete at its home tournament, Oct. 19 to 21.

Photo of Individual Events Speakers Reach Finals

McKendree University individual events team members Spencer Marcum, Josh Fleming, Lance Allen, Rebecca Blake, Darren Meeker and Caitlyn Westfall.

