New Study Finds McKendree’s Student Affairs Among Top 31 in U.S.

Lebanon, Ill. — A new national study focusing on workplace diversity, staffing and work environment names McKendree University among the “31 Most Promising Places to Work in Student Affairs.” The magazine Diverse: Issues in Higher Education teamed with the American College Personnel Association and The Ohio State University’s Center for Inclusion, Diversity & Academic Success to conduct the study. A web-based survey was used to examine categories such as family friendliness, salary and benefits, and professional development opportunities. Findings are published in the March 27 edition of Diverse.

“McKendree provides many resources to help students develop an appreciation and understanding of human diversity,” said Dr. Joni Bastian, vice president of student affairs at McKendree. “We support professional development for staff so they may facilitate deeper conversations about diversity with our students.”

