McKendree University Recognizes Two Associate Faculty Members for Excellence in Teaching

(LEBANON, Ill., May 1, 2023) - Two associate faculty members were recently recognized for their excellence in teaching at McKendree University. Susan Winkeler, adjunct professor of business, received the 2023 McKendree University Associate Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award. Dr. Crystal Haselhorst, adjunct instructor of education, was the recipient of the 2023 McKendree University Associate Graduate Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching.

A resident of Carlyle, Ill., Winkeler has been teaching for McKendree’s School of Business since 2017, having taught classes on campus, online, and at Scott Air Force Base. Her recommenders have given her high praise, noting that she has helped the School of Business maintain high standards and has been a blessing to both faculty and students. Her students give her glowing remarks about her teaching and how fun and interesting she makes her classes. She is also very involved with the students outside of class and is supportive of their extracurricular activities, taking time to attend sporting events and events at the Hett to support her students.

“Receiving this award means everything to me,” Winkeler said. “One of my goals when I was very young was to attend McKendree University. I love teaching at McKendree. The students are fantastic, and the faculty and administration are very helpful and supportive. I could not be more proud to be a part of the Bearcat family.”

A native of Alhambra, Ill., and resident of Highland, Ill., Haselhorst has been an adjunct faculty member in the School of Education since the fall of 2020. While she serves as an eighth-grade reading teacher at Triad Middle School in Troy, Ill., Haselhorst also teaches several advanced courses at McKendree and supervises many students in the field and during student teaching. Her recommenders have noted that she does an outstanding job as a mentor for both undergraduate and graduate students and is so flexible and willing to take on anything.

“It is a huge honor to receive this award because there are so many excellent and deserving adjunct instructors at McKendree,” Haselhorst said. “Knowing that I am positively impacting future teachers’ lives and am able to make a difference in their educational journey is incredibly rewarding.”


Photo of Dr. Crystal Haselhorst

Dr. Crystal Haselhorst, adjunct instructor of education


Photo of Susan Winkeler

Susan Winkeler, adjunct professor of business

