#Giving Tuesday on Nov. 29 Promotes Philanthropy via Social Media

McKendree University Sets One-Day Goal of 900 Donors

(LEBANON, Ill., November 1, 2016) — A year ago McKendree University raised more than $100,000 from 855 donors in a 24-hour period during its first-time participation in Giving Tuesday. This year the university hopes to surpass that goal on Nov. 29, the global day of giving.

Giving Tuesday channels the generous spirit of the holiday season to inspire end-of-year charitable giving, explained Vincent Piazza, director of annual giving at McKendree. In the way that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are synonymous with shopping, Giving Tuesday is dedicated to philanthropy, using social media to create awareness. Last year donors in 71 countries gave nearly $117 million to the charities and causes they support.

“Our goal this year is 900 donors, including 150 of our alumni from the last decade,” said Piazza. “We encourage our alumni, students, parents, friends and others in the McKendree University community to come together to give back.”

Gifts will be counted as part of FORWARD: The Campaign for McKendree University, which to date has raised $25M of its $40M goal. The comprehensive campaign is raising funds for a renovated science hall and library, improvements to historic academic buildings, and general support. Donations can be made online, by phone or via email. Follow #McKForward on Twitter or visit mckendree.edu/givingtuesday to make a donation, interact with others, or share your story

For more details about the Giving Tuesday initiative, visit the website givingtuesday.org, its Facebook page or follow @GivingTues or #GivingTuesday on social media.

