Former NFL Player Turns Pro as Motivational Speaker

Trent Shelton to Speak at McKendree on Feb. 7

Lebanon, Ill. — Former NFL wide receiver Trent Shelton walked away from a pro football career to focus on a new purpose -- inspiring change in others. All are invited to hear his message at McKendree University’s Hettenhausen Center for the Arts on Thursday, Feb. 7 at 6 p.m. There is no charge to attend.

Shelton is ranked No. 20 of the “top 50 most motivational people on the Web,” (behind No.1, Oprah Winfrey, and ahead of No. 21, Bill Gates) by the website After graduating from Baylor University, he signed with the Indianapolis Colts in 2007 and played for the Washington Redskins and Seattle Seahawks. According to Shelton’s promotional bio, at critical time in his NFL career he decided to “’(get) rid of everything toxic in my life and (give) my life back to God.’ He held himself accountable… quickly started conditioning his body, went on a strict diet, and dug deeper into his faith.”

Sharing his story as a way to inspire others, the videos and blogs Shelton posted online went viral quickly and he soon found a satisfying new career as a motivational speaker. He discusses faith, courage, fitness, relationships and leadership on videos, podcasts and blogs on his website,

During his visit to McKendree, Shelton will also meet with university administrators, tour the campus, and visit local high schools. His appearance is sponsored by McKendree’s ALPHA mentoring program, Multicultural Affairs and Campus Ministries.




Photo of Trent Sheldon

Trent Shelton