McKendree Psychology Degree Offering Approved for Active Air Force

LEBANON, ILLINOIS — Men and women enrolled in the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) who want to continue their education and earn a baccalaureate degree can now earn a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology through McKendree University.

In conjunction with McKendree Worldwide and the Air University Associate-to-Baccalaureate Cooperative (AU-ABC) program, enlisted students are able to transfer credits and take courses while still on active duty status.

“The premise of McKendree Worldwide is to provide a variety of educational options for the working adult, and that includes our military servicemen and servicewomen,” said Dr. Melissa Meeker, dean of Worldwide Programs. “Being a partner school of Air University and a designated Military Friendly institution allows McKendree Worldwide to be a vital educational resource.”

McKendree Worldwide offers the BA-Psychology degree online, which makes it more convenient for the airmen, no matter where they may be stationed.

“Our McKendree University psychology classes are designed to be engaging and because we keep classes small, students feel connected,” said Dr. Tami Eggleston, professor of psychology. “While students may not be in an actual classroom, they are in a virtual classroom where professors and classmates are available for discussion and information sharing.”

McKendree Worldwide’s Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program has been recently submitted for approval by the Community College of the Air Force as well.