McKendree Speech and Debate Takes Home 28 Awards at Nationals!

(LEBANON, Ill., April 29, 2019) — The McKendree University Speech and Debate Team took home 28 awards at nationals, including fourth speaker at the National Parliamentary Tournament of Excellence; ninth place team at the National Parliamentary Debate Association Championship Tournament; three fourth place finishes at the National Speech Championships; two 25th place finishes at the National Forensic Association Championship Tournament; and two second place finishes at the Lincoln-Douglas Grand Prix.

“This has been an incredible year for us,” said Joe Blasdel, director of speech and debate. “For our seniors, this year marks an impressive finish to their careers. However, most of the team will return next year, so I’m also very excited for our prospects next season.”

Thirty-four colleges and universities, including the University of California at Berkeley, Notre Dame University and Texas Tech University attended the National Parliamentary Debate Association (NPDA) Championship Tournament, hosted by the University of Utah, on March 14-17. Representing McKendree were senior Adeja Powell and sophomores Mitch Deleel, Caden Owens and Rebecca Postula. The team of Deleel and Powell posted a 5-3 record. After defeating Boise State University in double octofinals, they finished as octofinalists (ninth place of 107 teams), after losing to Texas Tech. Powell was also the 10th place speaker in the tournament. The team of Owens and Postula went 4-4, just missing the break to elims. Owens was recognized as the second place novice speaker. As a squad, McKendree took 17th place, while Brent Nicholson and Mitch Deleel were elected as district representatives for NPDA.

Seventeen colleges and universities, including Rice University, the University of Oregon and William Jewell College attended the National Parliamentary Tournament of Excellence (NPTE), hosted by the University of Nevada at Reno, on March 20-23. Representing McKendree were senior Adeja Powell and sophomore Mitch Deleel. After posting a 7-5 record in prelims, they advanced to the third elim and finished in 12th place, after defeating the sixth-ranked team from Texas Tech. Powell was recognized as the fourth place speaker at the tournament. Joe Blasdel, a member of the NPTE Board, directed the tournament, while Zach Schneider assisted and served as NPTE secretary-treasurer.

Thirty-two colleges and universities, including Northwestern University, George Mason University and Purdue University attended the National Speech Championships at Oakland University in Auburn Hills, Mich., on March 23-24. Representing McKendree were seniors Aliyah Smith and Andrew Wagner; juniors Kate Maag and Isa Scaturro; and first-year Taylor Roth. Wagner and Smith advanced to finals in a team-record three events – extemporaneous (fourth place – Wagner), impromptu (fourth place – Wagner), and programmed oral interpretation (fourth place – Smith), after advancing in their quarterfinal and semifinal rounds. Wagner was also a semifinalist in persuasion. In addition, McKendree had nine events reach quarterfinals: after dinner (Wagner), communication analysis (Wagner), duo (Smith and Wagner), impromptu (Maag), informative (Scaturro and Wagner), persuasion (Scaturro), poetry (Maag), and Smith (prose). Finally, McKendree finished 10th place in team sweepstakes.

Sixteen colleges and universities, including Western Kentucky University, the University of Nebraska, and Lewis and Clark College, attended the Lincoln-Douglas Grand Prix, hosted by Missouri State University in Springfield, Mo., on March 30-31. Representing McKendree were sophomores Chandler Flesch and Rebecca Postula; and first-years Scott Anderson, Brian Duvendack and Kyle Garrett. In the junior division, Postula posted a 5-1 record to advance to elims. She defeated Missouri State University in semifinals before losing to another Missouri State student in finals to take second place. She was also the second place speaker. In the novice division, Garrett compiled a 5-1 record. After defeating Missouri State University in semifinals, he lost to Missouri Valley College to finish in second place, while winning first place speaker in the division. Duvendack advanced to elims with an even record in prelims, finishing as a semifinalist.

Eighty-one colleges and universities, including Bradley University, the University of Texas and Penn State University attended the National Forensic Association (NFA) Championship Tournament, hosted by the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce in Santa Ana, Calif., on April 18-22. Representing McKendree were seniors Aliyah Smith and Andrew Wagner, as well as junior Isa Scaturro. Wagner won two of his prelim rounds in extemporaneous speaking to advance to octofinals, taking 25th place (of 133). Additionally, Scaturro won two of her prelim rounds in informative speaking to advance to octofinals, finishing in 25th place (of 143). As a squad, McKendree took eighth place in President’s division three sweepstakes. Stephen Hagan served on the impromptu committee and was a nominee for the NFA Council.


Front, row, Adeja Powell and Mitch Deleel; back row, Rebecca Postula and Caden Owens at the National Parliamentary Tournament of Excellence at the University of Utah.

Front, row, Adeja Powell and Mitch Deleel; back row, Rebecca Postula and Caden Owens at the National Parliamentary Tournament of Excellence at the University of Utah.


Front row, Isa Scaturro and Taylor Roth; middle row, Andrew Wagner and Kate Maag; back, Aliyah Smith at the National Speech Championships at Oakland University.

Front row, Isa Scaturro and Taylor Roth; middle row, Andrew Wagner and Kate Maag; back, Aliyah Smith at the National Speech Championships at Oakland University.


Front row, Lance Allen, Rebecca Postula, Chandler Flesch and Adeja Powell; back row, Scott Anderson, Kyle Garrett, Brian Duvendack and Brent Nicholson at the Lincoln-Douglas Grand Prix at Missouri State University.

Front row, Lance Allen, Rebecca Postula, Chandler Flesch and Adeja Powell; back row, Scott Anderson, Kyle Garrett, Brian Duvendack and Brent Nicholson at the Lincoln-Douglas Grand Prix at Missouri State University.


Isa Scaturro, Andrew Wagner and Aliyah Smith at the National Forensic  Association Championship Tournament in Santa Ana, Calif.

Isa Scaturro, Andrew Wagner and Aliyah Smith at the National Forensic Association Championship Tournament in Santa Ana, Calif.

