McKendree’s Speech and Debate Team Finishes Regular Season with Several High Marks

Junior Alexandra Walthes earns top novice, tournament champion in poetry at competition hosted by Bowling Green State University

Alexandra Walthes(LEBANON, Ill., March 15, 2024) – The McKendree University’s speech and debate team wrapped up its regular season of competition with breakout performances from novices in several events across multiple tournaments.

The team competed at Webster University’s Gorlok Gala in Webster Groves, Mo. First-year Elan Headlee finished as an octofinalist in the novice division of public debate. Fellow first-year Jada Tolbert was recognized as the 10th-place novice speaker in public debate as well. Sophomore Gracie Vincent reached octofinals in junior varsity, and junior Aaron Brown was recognized as the fifth best speaker in varsity public debate. They were joined by juniors Garrett Crabtree, Emma McIlhargie and Alexandra Walthes; sophomore Caitlin Asbury, and first-years Erik Hovlid, Jasmyne Jackson, Carter Rojek and Dow White.

At the Missouri Association of Forensic Activities (MAFA) State Championship tournament hosted by Missouri State University, McKendree competed as an out-of-state entry, capturing recognition as the third-place team in Open Debate Sweepstakes and a second-place team in Open Overall Sweepstakes – awards that recognize the success of a team collectively, rather than the individual competitors. Individually, Tolbert and Headlee improved on their successes from the Gorlok Gala, with Tolbert finishing as an octofinalist in novice public debate and Headlee finishing as a quarterfinalist. In junior varsity public debate, Vincent was recognized as the sixth-best speaker. They were joined by Walthes, Asbury, Jackson, Hovlid and first-year Meera Mohammad.

“MAFA is a unique state tournament. Schools from all over the Midwest come to compete, not just Missouri. These performances by our young debaters are very promising and show the immense learning and growth our students have done in the last few months,” said Brent Nicholson, speech and debate coach at McKendree University.

Each McKendree debater competed in four preliminary rounds of public debate, and each debater finished with a win-loss record of 2-2 or better, contributing greatly to the team’s placement in sweepstakes awards.

The regular season concluded with an online speech competition hosted by Bowling Green State University. Walthes was recognized as top novice and tournament champion in poetry, acting as a capstone to a strong first season as a member of the team.

“Alexandra has done outstanding work to refine her poetry interpretation this spring,” said Joe Blasdel, director of speech and debate at McKendree University. “Her win at Bowling Green is well deserved, and I am excited for her as we prepare for the National Speech Championship.”

Vincent continued to show crossover talent as a performer, capturing seventh in prose just weeks after strong performances in debate events.

With its regular season concluded, McKendree’s speech and debate team is looking ahead to national tournaments in Salt Lake City, Utah; Chicago, Ill.; Starksville, Miss.; and Walla Walla, Wash.

