Camps & Conferences

During the summer session, our campus is available to host both day and overnight camps. Whether it is an academic, athletic or artistic program, our residence halls and campus facilities offer your group both affordable accommodations and collegiate-level venues. We encourage all new and returning group organizers to familiarize yourself with our process and amenities. Please contact our team with any questions or to schedule a visit. 

Come experience what it is like to be a Bearcat!



Event organizers must submit an Event Authorization Form three weeks in advance that will be reviewed by the Operations team and forwarded to the hosting facility manager. Events that are a series (multiple one-day camps, music events, etc.) can be considered as one event, as long as the events are consistent and there are no differences in how they are facilitated.


  • University and third-party groups hosting single-day youth (under 18 years of age) and adult events (conferences, camps, academic/cultural programs, etc.) may occur with the requirement that all current campus and hosting facility guidelines are followed. 

  • University and third-party groups hosting multiple-day youth (under 18 years of age) and adult events (conferences, camps, academic/cultural programs, etc.) that may or may not require the use of campus housing or community hotels (participants are able to stay at their own residence) may occur with the requirement that all current campus and hosting facility guidelines are followed. Please note summer housing is not available after July 15.

  • Conferences, camps, academic/cultural programs, etc. that are designated for adult learners/participants (18 and over) that are either single- or multiple-day events and campus housing or hotel stay is required. 

  • Sporting events that are governed by NCAA guidelines.

  • Entertainment events, such as music, dance, and theater operated by the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts. 

  • Third-party groups will be required to provide a certificate of insurance naming McKendree University. 

  • All events serving food must coordinate with Sodexo.