Family Resources

Thank you for visiting our Family pages! Our office has created resources to assist in answering some of your questions and to give you guidance on how to best help your student. Families are becoming increasingly involved in the career development of their student, and want to know the best ways to assist their student without interfering in their career development. Hopefully these pages will assist you in doing just that!

Our office works with students at all stages of their career development.  Some of our resources include career assessment, part-time (off-campus) job listings, internships, experiential education including a variety of workshops and other career related events, online resources, job search assistance, and graduate/professional school assistance. We encourage students to visit our office often and participate in our career events so they are better prepared for their career.

We look forward to working with your student, and hope that we can develop a partnership with you as well. While our office cannot tell the student what to do with their lives (as you cannot), we can hopefully all serve as a valuable resource to them and help guide the student towards a successful career. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Photo of Jennifer PickerellJennifer K. Pickerell, M.A.

(618) 537-6806



Danielle PowersDanielle Powers
Assistant Director
(618) 537-6805