10 Tips to Help You Deal With (and Conquer) Homesickness in College

10 tips to deal with homesickness in college

Whether this is your first year in college or you're a returning Bearcat, the beginning of an academic year can bring a huge mixture of emotions. On one hand, you're probably excited to meet new people and curious about your classes and environment; on the other hand, you might miss your family, friends, and your own bedroom. After all, you're living away from everything you've known and sharing a room with strangers. Homesickness is very common, whether you're moving across town or across country, and while the feeling will pass, you can make it easier to cope with those emotions as you settle in. Here are our 10 favorite tips to help you deal with – and conquer – homesickness:

Give Yourself Some Time and Grace
If you feel homesick right now, please know this: what you're feeling is normal. In fact, in one study, 94% of students reported experiencing homesickness at some point during their first 10 weeks of college. Be kind to yourself and give yourself time to adjust – your blues should go away as you familiarize yourself with your new home. Talk to yourself compassionately and give yourself time to miss your family and friends.

Bring a Little Bit of Home with You
Here's one sure-fire way to soften the blow of homesickness: bring some comfort items from home! You can bring whatever reminds you most of home: a favorite stuffed animal, a treasured blanket, or photos of your friends or family (or all of the above!). Want to make friends and fight homesickness at the same time? Bring a favorite snack from home to share with your roommates!

Keep in Touch with Your Family and Friends
Don't forget about your loved ones back home! Schedule chats with your friends, family, or even your pet to see their faces and catch up on each other's lives. Keeping these chats on your agenda will give you some comfort to know that they’re still there for you and will also give you something to look forward to.

Establish a Routine
Routines are important, especially during times of transition. Try to stick to a similar routine that you held at home: go to bed at a similar time, get to class on time, set specific study times throughout the weeks, and make time for regular social interactions and activities. This will help you feel more at ease and in control of your days as you combat homesickness.

Limit Your Time on Social Media
Do you feel that your friends back home are having the time of their lives but you're not? Here's a secret: deep down, they more than likely feel the same way as you. People tend to share the highlights of their lives on social media, so what you're seeing is probably a skewed view of your friends' lives. Try to stay off social media as much as you can during this transition – besides, you can't make new friends if you're buried in your phone!

Get Involved on Campus
Taking part in clubs and organizations on campus can help you meet new people, find new hobbies, and have more fun in your new setting. There are plenty of clubs, groups, teams, and even work-study jobs at McKendree that you can get involved with. Find a few that interest you and give them a try! Who knows? You very well could meet your future best friend in these organizations!

Attend Your Classes
Going to your classes regularly even when you're struggling or feeling down is so important. It gives you the chance to engage with your peers, learn new material, and even distract yourself from your homesickness. When you can, try to introduce yourself to the person sitting next to you. They might be able to give you an insight on how to feel more at home or on fun events to attend!

Develop New Relationships
Forging new friendships with your peers can get you out of your head and your comfort zone. Take the time to stop and say hi to your hallmates, chat with your roommate, and connect with your classmates. Invite others to events on campus, grab a treat from the 1828 Café or Ames Dining Hall, study together, attend Bearcat sporting events and concerts, or take a stroll around town.

Stay Busy
Want a way to start feeling less homesick faster? Distract yourself! Socialize with your peers, explore campus and find the perfect study spot, read a favorite book or watch your favorite movie. You can also get your feelings out by exercising, expressing yourself through art or music, journaling, learning a new skill, or going to an event on campus. Filling your days with things to do often helps take your mind off your homesickness and get you more used to your surroundings faster.

Reach Out to Those Around You
When those heavy feelings start to hit you, don't isolate yourself. Reach out to your friends, both old and new, and tell them how you're feeling. Chances are if they're also new to college that they're feeling the same. You can also turn to your resident adviser or even a trusted faculty member and confide in them. If you continue to struggle with feelings of homesickness, don't hesitate to reach out to McKendree's counseling services for free help.

Homesickness is a real struggle for many students, especially when school starts. Know that you aren't alone and that these feelings will pass in time!