How to Prepare for Your First Interview After College

interview tips after collegeSo, you’ve graduated from college and are preparing for your next step: interviewing for a job. Interviews may seem daunting or nerve-racking, and you might be questioning how you’re going to get through it. Maybe you’re feeling excited to take this next leap but have no clue how to prepare or where to start. Luckily for you, this blog post is going to give you 5 easy tips on how to be confident and prepared for your first interview after graduation.

Do Your Research 

One of the first things you should do when you’ve found a job opportunity is do as much research as you can. Researching the position and employer you’re interested in can help you get a better idea of what your obligations would be if you were to be accepted for that position, and what type of environment you’d be working in. Doing this may also influence whether or not you’re interested in that position. Not only that, but doing research before the interview may also help you feel more comfortable to answer any questions the interviewer will have for you – and perhaps help you form questions you might have.  

Get Your Resume Ready

It’s important to have your resume prepared and ready before and during the interview. Having your resume during the day of your interview, whether in-person or online, will show the interviewer that you’re serious and have come well-prepared. In some cases, a cover letter that says a little about yourself and why you want that particular job is also required when applying to a position, so it is important to have that alongside your resume if necessary. Having a resume (or cover letter) with you during your interview can assist you in referencing the positions listed on your resume to speak to any experience you have prior to this interview.

Emphasize Your Skills 

One way to make yourself stand out among the rest of the candidates applying for the position is to emphasize your skills during the interview. Highlight the aspects of you that make you special and how you can apply those and other skills to the position. Skills can range from problem-solving and organizing to navigating technology. Most of the time, interviewers are looking for a range of skills, so don’t be afraid to brag about yourself a little!

Prepare Answers in Advance 

Another useful way to be ready for your first interview is by creating answers to potential interview questions in advance. This is extremely helpful for graduates with little work experience because your answers can help prevent your lack of workplace experience from being an impediment to getting hired. Having answers prepared in advance can also help you feel more in control, comfortable, and confident once the interview starts, which is a great way to present yourself to interviewers. If you want to go the extra mile, take some time to prepare some questions for the interviewer. Interviewers love to see candidates who are interested enough to ask questions!

Practice, Practice, Practice

Lastly, the old saying “practice makes perfect” applies to preparing for an interview. Whether you practice in front of someone or by yourself is entirely up to you! Just know that practice allows you to hear your responses and gives you an opportunity to re-write or add anything if you feel you need to. It also lets you feel more comfortable with the idea of talking in front of someone and advocating for yourself!

Although you might be scared to take this next step or feel unprepared, we hope this list of tips gives you the boost of confidence you need! Think about it, you’ve already conquered college, so what’s one more step? If you need any in-person assistance with interviewing and job opportunities among other alumni services such as career planning guides, graduate schools, internet resources, access to Bogey’s Career Closet, or even know when the next career and job fair is, please seek McKendree’s Career Services! We believe in you, alumni Bearcats!