Digital Signage Artwork Submission Form

University departments and student organizations should submit a copy of the artwork to University Communications and Marketing by completing the online form and uploading the art work.

Content must abide by the McKendree visual identity standards. Read the visual identity standards to be sure that the artwork you submit does not violate any of those rules about the McK logo, department marks, etc. Artwork specifications.

Ads may only feature events occurring on the McKendree University campuses. Requests from organizations outside the University will be reviewed by and approved by University Communications and Marketing on a case by case basis.

University departments and student organizations departments should submit their signage requests no more than two weeks in advance and should only have one active sign at a time. Please be considerate of the public and shared nature of this very useful advertising space.

Approval must be completed two business days prior to the starting run date. If the design is not approved your group's ad will not appear.

You must submit your image as a gif, jpeg, png, or bmp. Other formats (such as pdf) will not be approved.

Your art work should be landscape oriented (the width should be greater than the height) and be 1440 x 918, for an exact fit. Those not appearing in this format will be modified and may appear to be stretched or disproportional.

Submit Artwork for Digital Signage