Speakers Bureau

McKendree University is proud to provide a Speakers Bureau as a community service for local clubs and organizations. Our speakers, who are university faculty and staff members, are available free of charge to non-profit organizations to discuss a wide variety of topics. Experts are available in these fields:

Computer Science and Information Systems


Environment, Conservation, and Ecology

History, Politics, and Government

Literature, Writing, and Film

Nursing, Health, and Wellness

Social and Cultural Issues

Fitness, Recreation, and Athletics

Are you an expert in a particular field and would like to join the list? Send us your information.

To schedule a speaker, complete the online Speakers Request Form and submit it at least four to six weeks prior to your event or meeting. We will do our best to accommodate your request but cannot guarantee that we can fulfill it if not given adequate notice. Presentations are scheduled subject to the speaker’s availability. A University Communications staff member will contact the speaker and follow up with you as soon as possible. We may then put you in touch with the speaker directly to confirm all arrangements. All speaking engagements are by appointment only.

**Please note that the views and opinions of the speaker are not necessarily those of McKendree University.**