Sex Offenders Notification Act

The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 requires colleges and universities to inform students and employees how to learn the identity of registered sex offenders on campus. This law contains the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, which took effect October 23, 2002. Sex offender information is maintained by the Illinois State Police in an online database. Learn the identity of registered sex offenders on or near campus, or anywhere in Illinois. Once there, you can search by city, county, or zip code. Useful information when requesting information: The University is in St. Clair County. The zip code is 62254.

As of January, 2012 the Public Act 07-0155, House Bill 295 requires sex offenders or predators to register with public safety or security at any higher educational institution in Illinois where they either are employed or attending classes. An offender must register if he or she is employed at or attends the institution for a period of five or more days at a time or for a total of 30 days out of the year.