Rules Documents

To view Intramural event Rules and Information, please check the .pdf items below:


Pro Football Pick-Em (check email for info)

3v3 Basketball

4v4 Sand Volleyball

5v5 Basketball Tourney

5v5 Basketball Season

6v6 Volleyball

1828 Morning

- IM Gym:  Walk, Run, or Jog 18 Laps.  28 Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, or Burpees.  All at your pace.  Please bring water, mat, and/or towel.

Bags Tournament

Dodgeball Tourney

HORSE Competition


Ping Pong




Bowling Night

Madness Basketball Bracket Challenge


Info Link:  HERE

Discounted Prices (only through a Campus Rec hosted event) - (normally $39), includes:  Paintgun Rental, facemask, 500 paintballs, all day airfills, no time limit.

Pere Marquette Trail Rides

Info Link:  HERE

1 Hour Ride Event.  Discounted Price (only through a Campus Rec hosted event) - (normally$55); transportation (TBA) available to the first 6 fully paid students.  Max weight limit for horses is 250 lbs