Group Photo of Sigma Sigma Sigma Sisters

Sigma Sigma Sigma


Friendship, Character, Conduct


The ladies of Sigma Sigma Sigma at initiation, Fall 2012


Local History

The Theta Gamma Chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma (Tri Sigma) at McKendree University is the newest sorority to campus Greek Life and is the only national sorority on campus. We made the official transfer from colony to chapter on April 9, 2011 and are currently the largest sorority at McKendree with a total of 52 sisters.

At McKendree, we participate and compete in Homecoming Week events, go on trips to other Tri Sigma chapters, hold educational workshops for our members,
have weekly sisterhood activities, hold socials with other Greek organizations, and commit to philanthropies of children's play therapy and educational scholarships. We also have traditions such as our big/little sister reveal and monthly trips to Buffalo Wild Wings!

National History

Tri Sigma was started at Longwood College (now University) in Farmville, Virginia in 1898. Being a part of the national Sigma Sigma Sigma organization means that we are part of something much larger. We have sisters all around the country, and we have many national leadership opportunities such as:

-Officer Academy for chapter executive board members

-National Convention every 3 years

-Dunham Women of Character Conference every year

Why Sigma?

As women of Tri Sigma, we hold our values and mission close to our hearts. The mission of Tri Sigma is to establish among its members a perpetual bond of friendship, to develop in them strong womanly character, and to impress upon them high standards of conduct. Our values are wisdom, power, faith, hope and love. We make we demonstrate these values on a daily basis.

To learn more about the national organization that we are proudly a chapter of, go to the official Tri Sigma website.

Interesting in joining our national and local sisterhood? Please contact our Recruitment Director, Abby Poelker at

Some of the sisters at our big/little reveal in Fall 2012


Our motto is "Ever Forward"