Team Bogey

Purple Pit Left team bogey logo Purple Pit Right

Get in the Action!


Our goal is to promote activities and enthusiasm that will lead to lifelong involvement and commitment to McKendree Athletics and Team Bogey. We work together with the Bearcat Band, PomCats, and cheerleaders to get the crowds hyped up and to bolster Bearcat Spirit and Pride. Team Bogey is currently a social committee within Campus Activities Board with a heavy emphasis on crazy spirit and fun! We want students and McKendree fans to help us create a home-field/court advantage at McKendree sporting events. To do this, we need loud, creative and fun students to make this happen.

Conduct Code

Members of Team Bogey/Purple Pit promise to:

1. Assist the Team Bogey staff and cheerleaders in creating a home field/court advantage at McKendree Athletic events.

2. Be respectful of those around me at Athletic events and refrain from using offensive language

3. Display positive sportsmanship towards game officials, visiting teams, and visiting fans at McKendree Athletic events.

Members understand that failure to comply with this code of conduct could result in dismissal from a Team Bogey event, or removal from the Team Bogey organization at the discretion of the Team Bogey staff, Director of Campus Activities, or Vice President for the Office of Student Affairs.

Interested in being on the Team Bogey committee ? We could use some help with planning our tailgates and other events and are looking for fun, energetic people who want to take on a potential leadership role, while promoting Bearcat Spirit! FOR INFORMATION.

For more information, e-mail or call 618-537-6856.

Join our Facebook Group
