
The Hett’s mission is to nurture creative thinking and strengthen community bonds across the southern Illinois region by bringing innovative, influential, and diverse artists to perform on our stage. Because ticket sales cover roughly half of our costs, we count on the support of sponsors to enable us to achieve our goals.  

We believe that sponsorship at the Hett is not only a great way to support our mission, but also an excellent means to gain visibility for your own business and to be seen as a good corporate citizen by the community. Additionally, sponsors of McKendree Presents programs can take advantage of an attractive benefits package.

McKendree Presents Season Sponsor: $20,000 /exclusive / 40 events

Visibility - Premiere Recognition as “Season Sponsor” at 40 events and in:

    • Premiere placement in Season Advertising (15,000 mailed brochures, print ads throughout the season).
    • Logo placement on cover of program magazine.
    • Logo placement and logo link in electronic newsletter (emailed monthly to the entire Hett database).
    • Full page reserved in program magazine.
    • Prominent logo placement on website.
    • Lobby recognition at all McKendree Presents programs.
    • Prominent placement on the McKendree Presents honor roll of donors posted in the lobby, on the web and in the printed program.
    • Live “from stage” recognition, when appropriate.
    • Opportunity to have an info table in the lobby during your show with your company’s representatives.


    • Invitation to all Hett VIP donor events.
    • Opportunity to host three (3) private pre-performance reception and meet and greet with an artist (time and place to be determined).
    • Thirty (30) tickets to be used at any event throughout the season.
    • Two (2) VIP parking passes


Exclusive Performance Sponsor: ask for pricing

 Visibility – Recognition as “Exclusive Performance Sponsor” in:

    • Season advertising (15,000 mailed brochures)
    • Recognition in electronic newsletter advertising the performance.
    • ½ page reserved in program brochure.
    • Lobby recognition at all performance programs.
    • Recognition in McKendree Presents honor roll of donors posted in the lobby, on the web and in the printed program.
    • Live “from stage” recognition.
    • Opportunity to have information about your company at the info table in the lobby.


    • Invitation to all Hett VIP donor events.
    • Opportunity to host private pre-performance reception and meet and greet with an artist (time and place to be determined).
    • Reserved seating for twelve (12) for the performance.


Single Performance Sponsor: $3,000

 Visibility – Recognition as “Single Performance Sponsor” in:

    • Season advertising (15,000 mailed brochures)
    • Recognition in electronic newsletter advertising the performance.
    • ½ page reserved in program brochure.
    • Lobby recognition at all performance programs.
    • Recognition in McKendree Presents honor roll of donors posted in the lobby, on the web and in the printed program.
    • Live “from stage” recognition.
    • Opportunity to have information about your company at the info table in the lobby.


    • Invitation to all Hett VIP donor events.
    • Opportunity for meet and greet with an artist (time and place to be determined).
    • Reserved seating for eight (8) for the performance.


McKendree Presents thanks our sponsors, donors, and funders for their generous support of our programs and mission.

Illinois Arts Council Logo

Programming at the Hett is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.

Ameren Illinois Logo

Generously supported this season with a grant from Ameren Illinois


Additional Sponsors

McKendree University

Friends of the Hett

The George E. McCammon Memorial Distinguished Speaker Series