Audition Requirements

Music Auditions Image
Music Majors:


Perform two art/folk songs in contrasting styles, in different languages (if possible).


Brass and Woodwinds:

Please prepare two contrasting solo works or etudes demonstrating your lyrical and technical styles. Be prepared to play a two-octave chromatic scale, and several major scales.



Please prepare a solo work or etude on mallets, snare, and timpani.



For performance majors, prepare two pieces, classical in nature, from different musical eras. For minors, prepare two contrasting pieces.


Music Minors:


Please prepare one solo piece, classical or broadway/pop.


Brass and Woodwinds:

Please prepare one solo work or etude demonstrating your lyrical and technical style. Be prepared to play a one-octave chromatic scale, and several major scales.



Please prepare a solo work or etude on one of the following: mallets, snare, or timpani.



Please prepare two contrasting pieces.


For Academic Ensemble Participation

Please contact the appropriate conductor:

Concert Choir - Dr. John McDonald (

Concert Band or Jazz Ensemble - Dr. Jennifer Moder-Bell (