Earn an MBA

Female MBA Student in Graduation Gown and MBA HoodAdvancing your career doesn’t have to mean breaking the bank or spending countless hours in a classroom to invest in your education. Whether you’re looking to stay relevant with a few quick courses or earn a graduate business degree in your field of choice, McKendree’s MBA program has the experience, efficiency, and personal touch to help you meet your professional goals.

Exponential Growth in Business and Management Careers

Take a look at today’s job openings in management and you’ll see an increasing preference for candidates with a Master of Business Administration. A graduate-level Business degree enables you to tackle new and challenging roles, add value to your resume, and grow your salary without staying in the same entry-level job for years just trying to build experience. At McKendree, you’ll learn by doing: creating designs and prototyping business solutions that will bring real-world benefits to your organization.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts strong growth in management jobs through 2026 and estimates the median salary for managers at $102,590. Approximately 95% of McKendree’s MBA students are employed upon graduation.

“The McKendree MBA offers a great return on investment of any MBA program,” said Dr. Timothy Ros, Director of the MBA Program at McKendree.

Quotation Graphic"Higher salary after graduation, landing a management position, developing a strong professional network, or even becoming your own boss are just a few of the advantages of obtaining an MBA from McKendree University."

Convenience Meets Quality with Our Endless Program Options

McKendree’s MBA faculty are dedicated to providing you with the most efficient methods of learning while ensuring you develop the most relevant skills in today’s business world. Our accelerated BBA to MBA program, online MBA degree options, and selection of Post-Baccalaureate Certificates in Business all help you build your career in ways that respect your time and bring you the most value.

Five MBA Degree Tracks

McKendree currently offers unique specialized MBA degree tracks in five areas:

These diverse tracks allow you to hone in on a particular field of Business that interests you. In addition to a series of core Business courses, you’ll take classes on special topics that apply to professionals in your chosen field. 

Four Post-Baccalaureate Certificates in Business

Are you interested in becoming certified in a particular area of Business without earning your MBA yet? Obtain a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in as little as six classes, all of which can still be counted toward your MBA degree should you decide to pursue it. These online certificates serve as an excellent supplement to your career development and can provide a shorter to path to entry or advancement in a particular field.

McKendree offers four Post-Baccalaureate Certificates in:

      • Corporate Finance

      • Human Resource Management

      • Cyber Defense

      • Digital Marketing

4+1 Accelerated BBA to MBA Program

If you are just getting started looking at degrees in Business, the thought of working toward both your Bachelor’s and Master’s can be daunting. With McKendree’s accelerated BBA to MBA program, however, you can earn both degrees in just five years. During your first four years, you’ll take a mixture of undergraduate and graduate-level courses and receive your Bachelor of Business Administration. In your final year, you’ll be admitted into the graduate program full-time and complete your MBA in just one year.

Personalized Guidance from Faculty with Diverse Professional Backgrounds

When you choose to earn your MBA from McKendree, you won’t just gain knowledge from course material. Small class sizes will enable you to get to know your professors and vice versa. Our faculty become your mentors and colleagues, offering guidance and tailoring projects to provide you the most benefit.

What Our Students Are Saying

MBA student Matt Strubhart ’22 appreciates the wide range of different perspectives he has gained since being a part of the program. He credits the diverse professional experiences of his fellow students, as well as his professors, with giving him a well-rounded learning experience in class.

As a full-time working professional at Bayer Crop Science in St. Louis, Matt also enjoys the flexibility of McKendree’s MBA program. “I started the program when my wife was pregnant with our first child, and 15 months later, we had identical twins,” he said.

Quotation Graphic"I’m finishing the program with three children under two years old and a new more challenging position within my current company. The staff and university were very flexible with me on scheduling and accommodating my personal life needs. The fact that McKendree offered a hybrid approach with in-person and online courses also made it very appealing to my lifestyle."

Matt is confident that his McKendree MBA has better prepared him for leadership roles in the future and is already helping him provide even more value to his employer.

Take the First Step