Bearcat Booster Graphic

Methods of Giving & Tax Information   Join Now!

Cash Donations

Cash donations may be made for restricted use by the Department of Athletics for the general benefit of its sports programs and for the support of a specific sport of your designation.

Monthly Payments • Electronic Finds Transfer • Payroll Deductions

Please contact the Department of Development, Alumni and Parent Relations if you are interested in the convenience of payroll deduction or automatic bank draft withdrawal to make your gift.


Products or equipment that the athletic department needs and would normally have to be purchased, often are welcomed as membership gifts. Contact the McKendree Bearcat Booster Club at (618) 537-6825 for more information about this option. All gifts-in-kind must be approved in advance.

Matching Gifts

Many companies will match your contribution to the McKendree Bearcat Booster Club. Submit your company’s matching gift form with your contribution and it may significantly increase your support.

Tax Benefits

Gifts to the Bearcat Booster Club are considered gifts to McKendree University and are tax deductible to the fullest extent of state and federal laws. We recommend that you consult with your tax and/or legal counsel. While gifts are tax deductible, the IRS requires you to reduce the deductibility of your gift by the fair market value of any benefits you receive from your membership in the McKendree Bearcat Booster Club. Or, you may decline the benefits offered and maintain the full deductibility of your gift.