Interlibrary Loan Services

Interlibrary loan is available for all currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff at McKendree University.


What if I can't find what I need at Holman Library or in I-Share ?

**Before placing a request for a book/print item, search in I-Share. 

** Requests that do not provide ALL citation information will NOT be processed.

Interlibrary Loan Request Form

Interlibrary loan is available if you need a specific article or item that cannot be found within I-Share or the databases. These requests are not guaranteed and need to be placed as early in the research process as possible. There is no guess for how long these requests will take to be filled.


The following guidelines apply to all ILL requests:

Overdue Fines

If materials are not returned, the patron will be expected to pay the lending library’s fees and / or replacement costs. Future borrowing privileges may be suspended.


Materials borrowed through the online catalog may be renewed subject to Holman Library’s circulation policies. An OCLC renewal is requested by a librarian via OCLC’s network. A reply may take several days. Renewals are at the discretion of the lending library and are not assured.

Almost all articles received through interlibrary loan are considered non-returnable. There is no fee.

If you have specific Interlibrary Loan questions, please contact Diedra Blackmill, Access Services Manager, by emailing or calling (618) 537-6515.

Lending libraries have the right to "recall" their materials at any time. If this occurs, we will ask the patron to return the item immediately. We can attempt to quickly borrow the same material from another source if additional time is needed.


Also available for interlibrary borrowing is the INFO-PASS program from the St. Louis Regional Library Network.