Alumni News

Greetings Alumni,

I want to take a moment to say thank you and express my appreciation for all of you and the things you do to support your alma mater. McKendree University holds a special place in all of our hearts. We must do what we can to continue to ensure the legacy that has been built continues to be a strong one, not just for students on campus, but also for alumni all over the world. The McKendree experience is unique and there is no place like home.

I would encourage you all to get involved and look for opportunities to volunteer. Come back to campus and speak to current students. Come to an event and network with your alumni family. Attend a sporting event. Connect with a current student and become a mentor. Create opportunities you only wished someone had created for you. Pay it forward. Ensure that the place you call home still is able to nurture others the way it nurtured you.

Again, thank you all so much for representing McKendree and all of the greatness it has to offer.

PJ Thompson

Director of Alumni Relations

Upcoming Alumni Association Events

3/18-20 - St. Louis Cardinals Spring Training in Jupiter, Florida

5/13 - Senior Celebration Dinner, 5:30 pm near Fountain

5/14 - Lebanon Campus Commencement, 9 am and 2 pm on Front Lawn

5/22 - Alumni Day at Busch Stadium, 11:15 am

6/4 - Kentucky Campuses Commencement, 2 pm at First Christian Church in Elizabethtown, Ky.

6/11 - Annual Alumni Association Board Meeting, 9 am in 1828