The McKendrean Magazine for McKendree Univeristy - Summer 2023

Letter from the Editor

Letter from the EditorDear alumni, friends, and readers,

Thank you for taking the time to read this magazine and peruse its pages. I sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed it and that it has both conjured up happy memories of your time at the university and filled you with pride about how the institution is continuing to better Bearcats’ lives. Helping to create this magazine each semester is one of my favorite parts about my job here at McKendree, and I look forward to hearing what you might have to say about it.

It’s been quite a while since I was a student, yet when I set foot on campus each day, it almost feels like yesterday since I graduated. I certainly made many happy memories as a student at McKendree, and now I’m making plenty of wonderful memories as a member of the staff. I’m very grateful to be here serving the university in this capacity.

When I reflect on my time as a student, the biggest memories that fly back to me include time spent playing in the marching band, learning about Japanese culture in the A.C.M.E. group, proofreading the yearbook (the old McKendrean!), annoying everyone with my karaoke skills, helping out at events for the Campus Activities Board, and writing loads of papers and terrible poetry for class (I got better, Dr. Mueller, I swear!). It was a part of my life in which I was able to come out of my shell and find my true self: a writer, a musician, a person of faith, a lover of language and other cultures, and a generally happy-go-lucky person. I found my best friends at McKendree, took courses that changed the way I viewed the world around me, and even met my future husband, Brent ‘08, here. The connections and friendships I made here shaped me into the person I am, and I deeply treasure all that McKendree has given to me.

When I speak with other alumni, I quickly find that McKendree has left a special, indelible mark on their hearts as well. So, I want to know: what has McKendree done for you? I would love to hear your stories. In fact, in this and my future letters, I want to pose a question to help evoke happy memories of the place we’ve all called home at one time or another. My hope is to share your stories here in The McKendrean in some capacity.

Here’s my question for you in this edition: What was your most memorable experience at McKendree? Email us at and let us know!

I look forward to hearing from you soon and hope you will continue enjoying future editions of The McKendrean.

Tina (Napper) Tebbe ‘08
Director of Institutional Communications