The McKendrean Magazine for McKendree Univeristy - Winter 2023

Happy New Year, Bearcats!

Photo of Holly SalleeI hope this edition of The McKendrean finds you well. As I may be a familiar face to you, it is an honor to introduce myself in a new capacity as the Director of Annual Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement for McKendree University.

I find myself so fortunate to be able to have a career that serves my alma mater, a place that I care so much about. As an alum from the Class of 2013 and as a staff member for over seven years, McKendree is home. You could say McKendree runs in my blood, as my immediate family holds 11 degrees from McKendree collectively. McKendree is also where I met my husband, Derek ’13, MBA ’16, when we were undergrads and where we were married in 2017.

I’m excited to serve McKendree in this new capacity and to connect with alumni and fellow Bearcats across multiple generations. I have great pride in upholding traditions and honoring the past while looking forward to current trends and meeting the next generation of Bearcats where they are. It’s important to find ways to support our alumni and engage them at many different stages of life. I hope to uncover what our alumni base is looking for today and how McKendree can continue to be supportive of their many different journeys of life.

Reflecting on the past year, I would be amiss to not acknowledge a huge day for the institution. McKendree participated in its 8th annual #GivingTuesday campaign on November 29, 2022. The campaign, which is centered around a 24-hour online wave of generosity, raised over $141,026 for the University. Because of the collective generosity of this incredible community, McKendree had the largest giving day in dollars raised to date for the fourth consecutive year. Thank you to all who gave back in some way and helped to make #GivingTuesday 2022 a huge success.

I look forward to seeing what 2023 holds for YOU and for McKendree. I hope to connect with you this year virtually, at an alumni event, or when you visit campus!


Holly (Weathers) Sallee ’13, MBA ’18

Director of Annual Philanthropy & Alumni Engagement