The McKendrean Magazine for McKendree Univeristy - Winter 2024

Welcome, Class of 2027!

Photo of Joni Bastian

Say Hello to the Second-Largest Class 

in McKendree History!

An infectious joy could be felt in the air as more than 500 students from the class of 2027 arrived on campus, moved into their all-new rooms, and signed the matricula on Aug. 16. NSO students and volunteers waited eagerly as cars pulled up to the side of the New Residence Halls, chanting, “We’ve got a car! We’ve got a car!” each time a parent drove up to drop off their Bearcat at their new home.


Smiles, peals of laughter, and an overwhelmingly positive energy permeated the campus, especially as new students lined up in front of Stevenson House for convocation – their very first formal event they would experience at McKendree. International flags danced in the wind and students from around the country proudly held their state’s signs as they processed to the front lawn, the bagpipers leading the way.


“Remember this day and how it started. You come to McKendree with a family already, the one you’ve known throughout your life, and today you formally join a new family – the McKendree family,” said Daniel C. Dobbins ’81, president of McKendree University.


On Aug. 18, McKendree also held a Transfer Student Orientation in the beautifully-renovated second floor of Holman Library. Incoming transfer students were welcomed warmly by the president, faculty, and staff as they received packets and signed the matricula. 


The president also relayed his story as a student transferring to McKendree and how it took him down a path he never dreamed imaginable.


“Ask yourself – what’s your McKendree experience going to be? What will you do with this opportunity? Don’t underestimate the magnitude of the opportunity that you have here at McKendree, and set your sights high,” he said.