
Please use these forms to report any behaviors of concern involving McKendree University students, whether these behaviors occur inside or outside of the classroom setting. Reportable behaviors may include Code of Student Conduct violations, a student who you feel may be struggling physically or psychologically, general complaints or information, academic concerns, or behaviors of concern that you would like to see addressed or would like to discuss. When completing your form, please include your name and contact information. Please note that anonymously submitted forms may limit the Office for Student Affairs' effectiveness in dealing with concerning behavior.

General Incident Report

Use this link to report Code of Student Conduct violations.


Student of Concern Report

Use this link to report students with emotional or behavioral concerns.


Title IX Report

Use this link can be used to quickly submit reports of sexual misconduct.  Anonymous reports can also be made using this method. 


Academic Dishonesty Report

Use this link to report issues regarding academic dishonesty, including issues of cheating, plagiarism, sabotage, duplicate submissions, or other forms of academic dishonesty.


Academic Alert

Use this link to report concerns regarding student academic performance or student writing abilities. 


Bias or Hate Crime Report

Use this link to report incidents of bias or hate crimes on campus.


Sanction Submission Form

Use this link to submit any sanctions prescribed by your Conduct Officer or hearing board.


Appeal Submission Form

Use this link if you wish to submit an appeal in reference to a judicial or sexual misconduct case.


Academic Departure Form

Students can use this link to withdraw or transfer from McKendree University.  DO NOT fill out this form to live off campus - that form is located at


Release of Student Conduct Record

This form is for request of a student conduct records to be released or shared.  It can be completed by a current or former student -OR- by the entity requesting the information so long as they have an authorization for the release.  For any questions, please call the Office of Student Conduct at 618-537-6855 or the Office of Student Affairs at 618-537-6555.