Student Success & Transition

A successful transition to university life is about more than just what happens inside the classroom. While academics are certainly part of the equation, the personal and community aspects of your university experience are equally important. For that reason, McKendree has a variety of offices and programs beyond the Success Center that also work to address your needs as you acclimate to college. To learn more about the resources available to you, read on.

Your Introduction to McKendree

University 101 is a one credit hour course designed to help you succeed in all levels of your academic career. If you’re a first-year student, University 101 will help to ease your transition to university life by introducing you to things such as the classroom technology McKendree uses, the University catalog, and the various services offered to help you become a successful and responsible Bearcat.

University 102 is a two credit hour course designed to help you succeed in all levels of your academic career. This course provides resources and stratgies to help students acheive academic success. University 102 will help to ease your transition to university life by introducing you to things such as the classroom technology McKendree uses, the University catalog, and the various services offered to help you become a successful and responsible Bearcat.

University 104 is a one credit hour course, specifically designed for new to international students, to help you succeed in all levels of your academic career.This course provides resources and stratgies to help international students acclimate to higher education and living in the United States. 

Individualized Support

First-Generation | Diversity and Inclusion | International Student Services | Military and Veterans' Services

We recognize that not all students face the same obstacles as they make their way through college, and we do our best to ensure that each of our students has the support they need.  Our First-Generation Student Success program is a great resource for students who can't turn to parents or family members for advice on transitioning to college, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion works with student groups such as the Black Student Organization (BSO) and promotes programs such as SafeZone training.  International Student Services helps international students make the adjustment to a new academic and cultural environment, and staff also provide information and assistance regarding SEVIS, passport and VISA information, certificates of enrollment, and employment permission.  Military and Veterans’ Services works with our current and former service men and women, as well as their families.

For Your Well-Being

Center for Faith & Spirituality | Counseling Services | Health Services

The Center for Faith & Spirituality and Counseling Services are both available for any students struggling with stress or anxiety.  Early adulthood in general and university specifically can be a difficult time in a person's life, and it's important to not neglect your mental health.  Equally important, of course, is physical health—whether you need a check-up or just need to grab some decongestant, Health Services is the place to go.  McKendree's nurse practitioner is available to evaluate, treat, and prescribe, and the clinic contains a small shop with basic medical and health necessities.

For Your Personal Growth

Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service | Study Abroad | Career Services

The growth of our students as community members and leaders is a priority at McKendree; we seek to help our students become people who will Make Their Mark on the world around them, wherever they go. The Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service can help you get involved in the Lebanon and greater St. Louis community, while our Study Abroad coordinator can work with you if you want to take your education further afield. Career Services will find internship opportunities where you can put everything you've learned into practice.

For the Full University Experience

Campus Activities
| Fraternities & Sororities | Russel E. and Fern M. Hettenhausen Center for the Arts

Your time as a Bearcat shouldn't be all writing essays and building up your resume--having fun and meeting new friends is just as important a part of college! There are plenty of Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) and intramural sports on offer, and the Office of Campus Activities and Recreation can tell you all about them. For those interested in Greek Life, you can learn more about our sororities and fraternities on the Fraternity and Sorority Life page. And, of course, there's the Hett, McKendree's number one destination for entertainment. Whether you are interested in movies, concerts, or stand-up, the Hett is the place to be.