
Earn Academic Credit Through McKendree's Internship Program!

McKendree University Career Services coordinates the undergraduate internship program for academic credit. This program complements traditional course work by providing students the opportunity to apply classroom theory and knowledge in the work environment for a hands-on learning experience.  Internships are a great way to gain valuable experience, learn new skills, and build relationships.  

Junior- and senior-level students enroll in an internship related to their major and/or minor for academic credit. Students work 45 working hours per credit hour and register for beteween 3 and 8 credit hours. In addition to receiving academic credit, students build valuable professional relationships that may play an important role in their future.

Student interns work with the faculty internship advisor, on-site supervisor, and Career Services throughout the internship. Students must have at least 60 credit hours, 12 hours completed in the major, and meet certain GPA requirements to qualify for the internship program.

Contact us to schedule an appointment and learn more about the internship program. We can also discuss internship site ideas at that time. 

Go to Handshake through My McK to search for internships locally and out of the area.  Students can also view our internship database through Handshake by following these steps:

  • Access Handshake from your My McK page
  • Respond to profile questions if this is the first time logging in to Handshake
  • From Handshake's home page, click on Employers
  • Search internship sites by typing in the desired major(s) or minor(s) in the Labels area. Do not rely on the drop-down menu since only some majors/minors are listed due to space constraints. Further filter by utilizing the keyword search function to search by company name, area of interest, or city/state. The city/state will also pull in cities around the main city.
  • Results will be in alphabetic order. Make sure to click through the pages to view additional sites.  

Gain Additional Experience Through Micro-Internships! 

Career Services partners with Parker Dewey to give McKendree students a way to gain additional internship experience outside of our traditional internship program.  Micro-internships are paid short-term projects with employers across the United States.  Employer projects vary, but they typically range from 10 to 40 hours of remote work with projects between two and four weeks in length.  Please note that micro-internships CANNOT be taken for academic credit through McKendree University.  Click here to create a profile and apply for opportunities throughout the year.