First Time Federal Direct PLUS Loan Borrower

Parent PLUS Application and PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN)

A Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan is one option a family has to help meet any uncovered costs there may be after all of your student's funds have been applied to his/her account. The maximum amount you as a parent can borrow has been included on your student's financial aid award letter. 

Parents, who are borrowing for the first time through the Federal Direct PLUS Loan Program, must complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN). The Department of Education provides an electronic version of the Master Promissory Note. 

What You Need to Complete:

1. Completed the PLUS Application

2. Go to the MPN Website to complete your MPN.

The following information will be needed:

o Your Social Security Number

o Your driver’s license number

o Names, addresses, and phone numbers for two references