Mathematical Association of America Honors Alewine

Dr. J. Alan AlewineThe Illinois Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) presented its Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics Award to Dr. J. Alan Alewine on March 29, assuring his nomination for the MAA national award in January. The honor has recognized outstanding mathematics teachers at the post-secondary level since 1991.

The relaxed yet stimulating learning environment Alan creates helps his students appreciate the joy of mathematics and combats any fears they may have about the subject, noted Dr. Christine Bahr, provost. “He creates a welcoming environment so students feel comfortable asking for help. He infuses into his courses popular music, social media, puzzles, games and examples of mathematics in everyday life.”

In addition, he invites faculty colleagues to observe his classes through the Teaching Circles program and shares his expertise in instructional methods at the Teaching for Excellence workshops. A full-time professor since 2002, Alan also serves part time as the associate dean for curriculum.