Promoted to Director of the Hett

Elizabeth (Liz) Crabtree was promoted to director of the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts on Feb. 20, succeeding founding director, Peter Palermo.

“As a colleague, Peter was very influential in preparing me for a successful career in arts administration,” said Liz. “I am passionate about the performing arts and the Hett, and I’m thrilled to have this opportunity.”

Since 2014, she has worked closely with the Friends of the Hett donors, patrons and guests; assisted in managing more than 250 events per year; and supervised student employees and interns. As director, she manages the artist and speaker selection, scheduling, promotion and production for a wide variety of “McKendree Presents” programs, the McCammon Distinguished Speaker series, the Film Arts series, and the Arts Education series. She also works with the Division of Visual and Performing Arts to present student performances and theatre productions.

Liz is a member of the Honorary Commanders at Scott Air Force Base, Ill.; secretary and board member of the Plains Presenters Consortium; an Arts Midwest Future Leaders Scholar: and a member of the 2019 FOCUS St. Louis Coro Women In Leadership class.