Letter from the Alumni Director, PJ Thompson

Hello, McKendree Alumni!

I hope you are enjoying all the campus news and updates on your fellow alumni included in this edition of The Magazine for McKendree. It is an amazing time at McKendree and we continue to move FORWARD making this an even better place. We would be unable to make this progress without all the support you provide. Thank you so much for all you do.

Can you believe that I have been here for two years already? I celebrated my anniversary of becoming a Bearcat on March 9. In May, I became a McKendree alumnus, when I completed my master’s degree in higher education administration services. My relationship with McKendree is now lifelong. I have had a wonderful time connecting and meeting with so many of you. Thank you all for being so warm and welcoming.

As we move FORWARD, we will continue to need your support by:

  • Volunteering at an event on campus

  • Bringing your youth group for a campus tour

  • Attending an alumni event

  • Returning to campus for Homecoming

  • Joining the Alumni Association Board

  • Making a gift

Once again, thank you for being supportive of McKendree University.

Go Bearcats!

PJ Thompson, M.A.Ed. ’17