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Eggleston Succeeds Bahr as Provost

Dr. Tami EgglestonDr. Tami Eggleston became McKendree University’s chief academic officer on Jan. 1, following a rigorous national search to succeed Dr. Christine Bahr, who retired as provost on Dec. 31, 2020.

Chris, who served the University since 2008, developed academic retreats and the Academic Excellence Celebration, improved onboarding for faculty, helped create the Student Success and Advising Center, successfully guided the University through two Higher Learning Commission accreditation visits, advocated for a more diverse faculty, and served for many years on the Social Justice and Equity Committee.

President Daniel Dobbins noted Tami’s “exemplary work ethic, creative and positive approach to problem solving, and her innate ability to energize others in their efforts to bring forward and implement solutions.”

Tami joined the faculty in 1996 and has been a professor of psychology and the associate provost for institutional effectiveness. As an associate provost since 2007, she oversaw the contract and payroll process for part-time faculty, organized the McKendree Values Part-time Faculty (MVP) orientation, coordinated the Teaching for Excellence (T4E) faculty development program, led the University’s award-winning assessment efforts, and participated in its last two successful Higher Learning Commission (HLC) visits. 

She also serves as an HLC peer reviewer and a National Institute of Learning Outcomes and Assessment speaker. She is an Association of Applied Sport Psychology Certified Mental Performance Consultant, working with student-athletes on teams from the McKendree Bearcats to local high schools. She often presents about teaching, technology, strategic planning and assessment at various conferences and campuses. She enjoys finding specific, practical strategies that make a difference in what matters most—students.

Read more at Eggleston Becomes Provost of McKendree University.