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Time, Talent, Treasure

McKendree University and its Alumni Association offer a variety of ways to reconnect, serve and give back. These alumni have made—and continue to make—a lasting impact on the lives of our students and graduates.



Bobby Schweiger
Time: Bobbie Schweiger ’11, MBA ’13

Since joining the ranks of alumni, Bobbie Schweiger has worked to make a positive impact on future generations of McKendree students. She has returned to campus to volunteer to recruit students during scholarship days, congratulate graduates at commencement and welcome alumni during homecoming weekend. Bobbie has also served as a member of the Alumni Association Board of Directors. In addition to volunteering her time, Bobbie has made gifts to support many areas of the University with the goal of making a difference in the lives of McKendree students.




Talent: McKendree’s School of Business External Advisory Board

McKendree’s School of Business External Advisory Board is made up of alumni who are prominent members in the business community. The group meets regularly to discuss industry trends and ensure McKendree students are learning what they need to thrive in their field. Through their participation on the committee, members have stayed connected with the University during the COVID-19 pandemic by speaking with classes and faculty using Zoom. They look forward to once again meeting in person and hope to celebrate Homecoming 2021 together this fall.

Members of the Advisory Board are Ken Meddows ’79, Jon Basden MBA ’13, Rob Berger ’01, Megan (Mark) Gardner ’11, MBA ’12, Debra Johnson MBA ’18, Tara Ryterski ’11, MBA ’13, Josh Wohltman, Robb Hass MBA ’12, Vicki Kloeckner MBA ’12 and Jim Johnson ’81.





Treasure: Dennis and Iris Price ’73

Dennis Price ’73
and Iris (Jahn) Price ’73 met as students at McKendree. Not long after graduating, they made a financial gift to McKendree.

While serving as a pastor in the United Methodist Church, Dennis grew to understand the importance recurring support can have on an organization. The Prices began making their gifts through the University’s monthly giving program more than 20 years ago. Their support of the current Annual Fund has spanned many decades offering support to students who call McKendree “home.”