The McKendrean Magazine - Summer 2022

Time, Talent, & Treasure: Jim Forrler '65

Jim Forrler ’65Nothing speaks more highly of a university than alumni, friends and patrons who enthusiastically serve and support it. McKendree University and its Alumni Association offer a variety of ways to reconnect, serve and give back. In this issue, we highlight the accomplishments of Jim Forrler ’65, who has enthusiastically given his time, talent and treasure to McKendree University.

Jim has been true to his alma mater by supporting both the science building project, the library renovation and other areas of the FORWARD campaign. However, what he enjoys most is donating his time and resources to McKendree University, specifically athletics. Jim has a strong passion for the sport of tennis and commits to giving back with his time on an annual basis. For five years, he served as a volunteer coach. He attended practices and also traveled with the team to regional tennis matches.

While he no longer coaches, he remains active in participating in practices and games and assisting the current coaching staff. Moreover, he has a particular affinity for the international student-athletes in the tennis program. He serves as a mentor to the students who may have difficulty acclimating to the campus community, managing their time between tennis and academics and overall acting as a support system they need while being an international student at McKendree.

Jim received his degree in English from McKendree in 1965. He is a retired teacher from Belleville School District 118. “I am always pleased to help my alma mater in any way I can and I encourage all alumni to share their time, talent and treasures in whatever ways they are able,” Jim said. “McKendree is a great school and I enjoy seeing the students learn in so many different ways. It is so important to bring varying backgrounds to the University in order to gain a broader outlook of the world. My interest in tennis and working with the international students in this program has helped both of us to learn about each other. As a retired educator, it is critical that we gain this knowledge in order to have a clearer global perspective.”