The McKendrean Magazine - Summer 2022

McKendree Makes Transferring Even Easier for Southern Illinois Transfer Students

This spring and summer, McKendree University established dozens of new articulation agreements with several southern Illinois community colleges, including Rend Lake College, John A. Logan College, Kaskaskia College, Lewis and Clark Community College and many more. These agreements enable students in the southern Illinois region to advance their education and careers by ensuring a seamless transfer process to McKendree.

“McKendree University has always taken pride in being a transfer-friendly institution,” said Dr. Melissa Meeker, dean of Worldwide Programs. “We have a focused effort to expand our agreements with community colleges throughout Illinois and the greater St. Louis region to ease the process for prospective students. We’re so pleased to make these partnerships with these community colleges.”

McKendree University works continually with community colleges throughout the state to develop articulation agreements and four-year transfer plans for students who complete their associate’s degree and go on to earn their bachelor’s degree at the University. McKendree currently offers more than 107 such agreements with 12 different community colleges.

For more information, please visit McKendree’s articulation agreement webpage.