Magazine for McKendree - Winter 2018

Letter from the Alumni Director

Hello Alumni Bearcats!

I hope you are enjoying this edition of the magazine. We continue to have alumni do great things all around the world. We love hearing about what you all are doing.

Thanks so much for your participation in alumni events and activities. Thank you for the contributions you have made to McKendree University. Every gift counts! We value you and every resource you provide for the advancement of our alma mater.

We have many upcoming events. Make sure we have your updated email address to receive our monthly updates. Keep us connected with what you have been doing as well. We are extending our reach beyond the U.S., as we host our first event abroad. Join us July 6-14 for the Alumni Trip to England!

It’s a Great Day to Be a Bearcat!!

PJ Thompson, M.A.Ed. ’17




What’s new with you?

Share with us your professional accomplishments, such as job changes, promotions and awards, or personal milestones, such as advanced degrees earned, marriages or births. Let us know! Submit a class note to and be featured in the next Magazine.

Interested in Volunteering?

The McKendree University Alumni Association is accepting nominations to become a member of the Alumni Association Board. The Alumni Association sponsors several networking opportunities throughout the year for alumni to connect not only with each other but also with students.

Nominations are due no later than April 15, 2018.



Don’t Miss These Upcoming Events

3/23/18 – Alumni Outing to Fox Theatre for “The Color Purple," 7:30 p.m.

3/24/18 – Career Conference, 9 a.m.

5/11/18 – Graduation Celebration at Lebanon Campus, 5:30 p.m.

5/12/18 – Commencement at Lebanon Campus, 9 a.m. & 2 p.m.

6/1/18 – Graduation Reception at Radcliff Campus, 5-8 p.m.

6/2/18 – Kentucky Commencement at Elizabethtown, Ky., 2 p.m.

6/8/18 – Alumni Board Meeting, 8:30 a.m.

6/15/18 – Bearcat Golf Tournament @ St. Clair Country Club

7/6/18 – 7/14/18 – Alumni Trip to England

10/26/17 – 10/28/18 – Homecoming




Alumni Awards Call for Nominations

Nominations for the 2018 Alumni Awards ends May 1, 2018. The Alumni Association is looking for leaders—graduates of McKendree University who have shown strong leadership in their careers, outstanding service to the community, and success in athletics or other notable accomplishments. For specific awards criteria, visit