Magazine for McKendree - Winter 2018

Board Approves President’s Contract Extension

President at Commencement CeremonyIn November, the Board of Trustees unanimously approved a multi-year extension of the employment agreement with President James M. Dennis.

“The Board is pleased with the direction of McKendree and credits much of the success of the University in recent years to Dr. Dennis’ leadership and the team he has assembled,” said Board Chair Daniel J. Lett ’91. “Over the past 23 years, through his vision, leadership and tireless devotion, McKendree has experienced a renaissance.”

Since Dr. Dennis became the 32nd president in 1994, McKendree has completed new construction of academic and fine arts buildings, athletic facilities, and major renovation of historic campus buildings, with more on the horizon. Since his arrival, it has raised $75 million and has made great strides toward the $40 million goal of FORWARD: The Campaign for McKendree University. In 2007, the president led the successful effort to transform the college to a university. It now offers 52 undergraduate majors, seven graduate degree programs and doctoral programs in education and in nursing. Beyond the classroom, the president has been the architect of growth in co-curricular programs and athletics.