Photo of Open Hands

Campus Wide Chapel Series

Welcome to our 2024-2025  University Chapel Series! The purpose of this series is to bring challenging speakers together with the McKendree campus community and the larger community for inspiration and celebration of the spirit that has been at the heart of McKendree University since it’s founding in 1828. Students, faculty, staff and community groups will be featured at each service! We hope you will make a special effort to come celebrate with us!


Spring Come To The Table Worship Experience

Bothwell Chapel in the Circuit Rider

     1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 8:30pm

     Keynote Speakers: Rev. Bev and Chaplain Interns


Baccalaureate Service -- Bothwell Chapel

     Keynote Speakers: Members of the Class of 2024

    Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 6pm


Homecoming Chapel Service.

   Date to Be Determined Sunday 10 am

   Keynote Speaker: TBA


Lessons & Carols Service in The Chapel at Noon

Friday, December 6th, at 12pm 2024.

Keynote Speaker: TBA

Theme: Celebrating Community


Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Celebration

         Humanitarian Award Celebration

        Thursday, January 30,  2025 at 4pm

        Keynote Speaker: TBA


Shrove Tuesday -- Mardi Gras -- Purple Tuesday

          Bothwell Chapel in Curcit Rider

         Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 5pm


Ash Wednesday -- Imposition of Ashes

        Circuit Rider

        Wednesday, March 5, 2025  9am to 11am


       Wednesday, March 5, 2025 11:30am to 1 pm